Imagine College Green! – Dublin City Council

Imagine College Green! – Dublin City Council


Dublin City Council, The National Transport Authority, Happenings.


To bring together diverse stakeholders, citizens and policymakers, to get them excited about the potential of College Green as a pedestrianized space and collaboratively develop a design brief for it.

The Co-Creation Experience:

Over 200 people from diverse sectors and communities attended – more than any public consultation in Dublin in the last 10 years. We reimagined the traditional workshop, creating friendly and accessible workshop materials to guide people from all walks of knowledge through the design process. At 25 tables, each led by a facilitator, the attendees progressed from sharing best practices of public space design to developing their own design principles – drawing ideas for the redesign of College Green on a huge map stretching across the table.


The Results:

25 sets of ideas, insights, and designs for College Green from diverse interest groups.

+ Increased understanding of the challenges of designing for multiple divergent communities and perspectives

An increased sense of excitement and possibility for the potential of College Green


“It’s just so exciting standing here and looking at how people are working so passionately. People are clearly really into this process – sharing ideas, enthused.” -Client: Ali Grehan, DCC City Architect

college green